Friday 13 November 2015

Time Management Doesn’t Exist, But Here’s What Does…

I never understood time, even from a young age I couldn’t understand how time actually existed in this world. As a result I had a thirst to find our more, so when I was very young I learned everything that I could on time; from Steven Hawking, to Brian Tracey to Jack Canfield.Thestandardised and structured idea of ‘time’ didn’t work for me, the concept of time felt fake and didn’t honour me at all.
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I truly feel,  time doesn’t exist.
Not absolutely. It is a concept made up and of course it serves what Stuart Wilde calls Tick tock land.
You do not need to buy into living your life within the frame of 7 days a week, and 24 hours a day. If you do, you’ve set up a limitation within your mind.

The vibration of time doesn’t serve you, it limits you.

So here is a better picture, work with energy, always. Allow your day to revolve around energy management, not time management. Stop viewing time within the confines of a limiting spectrum. Time, 24 hours, 7 days, 365 days. Doesn’t serve you one bit.
Your body doesn’t care if its Monday at 1pm or Tuesday a 2pm. All your body, your mind, and your soul care about is energy. This means, how you feel, or how you are not feeling.
Think about something you want done, chances are you could have done it, or least started it, but, it’s highly likely that you were thinking that you don’t have enough time.
I hate those words, “I don’t have enough time.” Delete them now and never say them again.
You have so much time when you have so much energy, but you may not of done the things that you needed or wanted to do, because you actually had a lack of energy, not time.
Most people can get up earlier, most people can work with time and manage it well. I know this. I know you can. But in the long haul, it doesn’t serve you, it’s boring and so many people give up trying to manage their so ‘called time’, because they are actually not managing their energy well, not their time.

What I propose is that you stop trying to manage your time, and manage your energy.

When you have a lot of energy think about what you can accomplish, regardless of time. When you feel good, things happen, effortlessly.
First things first, if you want to manage time better you need to manage your energy better. This may include:
  • Proper self care for your mind, body and spirit.
  • Your environment, your desk, your life. Clutter serves nobody. Clean up your desk, your computer, your business and your life.
  • Write a list of everything that sucks your energy and drains you. Everything that is on the backburner, you haven’t complete, you’ve started but feel guilty about continueing, invoices you haven’t paid, people you haven’t emailed, even your grandma you haven’t called. List everything that you want to or need to do on one piece of paper. You may have 20-100 things on there and that’s fine. We need to get things off our chest, and out into the open where we can see them. When we do this they become real, actionable and less draining because we are not carrying them around anymore.
Lastly, I want to challenge you one step further, every morning when you wake up you need to do two things:
First, ask yourself. Where is my energy today? How do I feel today? How did I sleep? On a scale 1-10 how am I feeling? 10 being estatic, and 1 being I could be back in bed.
This allows you to work with yourself and your energy.
If you feel you could go back to bed, do it. 
If you feel you could get stuck straight into work, do it.
If you feel that you need a few hours to yourself do it. 
Remember, we are working with energy management more than time management in life. Focus on your energy and building your energy levels up and you’ll get a ton more done.
Source: Lifehack

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