Tuesday 1 December 2015

Jesus Christ Is Fictional - Stephanie Rose

Stephanie Rose
 In the spirit of Christmas, Nigerian transgender, Stephanie Rose, has penned down her thoughts by saying Jesus Christ is the greatest scam in the history of humanity.

 In a set of new posts on her Facebook page, the former student of Obafemi Awolowo University (OAU) who is a great hater of God also said that the story that Jesus walked on water was a very big lie as no such event took place. She also said Jesus was a fictional character and so many more. Read the post below:
“Jesus Christ remains the greatest scam in World history. No man/god of such personality ever lived or walked the surface of this earth!
No Man /god called Jesus ever lived on the surface of this earth. The name Jesus Christ was created at the Council of Nicea at the re-edition of the present day bible! Jesus Christ is a fictional Character not a true life story.
JESUS WALKED ON WATER IS A FABLE! The entire Man/god story is a fiction and myth. No such ‘guy’ like this ever existed or walked the face of this earth.
If Jesus walked on Water is a fable (considering the outright impossibility of a human capacity walking on water as if by dry land) we can deduce that the whole Man/god story is a myth.
Yahweh never became Jesus and Jesus was never Yahweh. The fictional recount of Jesus Christ is a retelling of the mythology of other Man/gods that predated him like Horus, Mithiras, Dionysus, Krishna and Attis!
All Man/gods had similar tales like walking on Water, born of a Virgin, born on the same birthday, died for three days and resurrected! None of them including Jesus Christ existed, all Man/gods were simply fictional Characters.
Even the God it self is a fraudster… A God that inspires such untrue Man/god stories is a wicked DEVIL and father of all lies! It is all a SCAM and untrue story.
Jesus Christ is a myth, there is no Saviour any where and that explains why terrible things happen to people in this World and the position of EVIL is unchecked because the same God functions in this EVIL CAPACITY. Jesus Christ is not a true story of this wicked and callous God! The Sun can walk on Water … but the Son can not walk on Water.”
Stephanie whose real name was Dapo Adaralegbe before she transformed into a female recently  got the attention of onlookers when she/he lambasted God, saying he is senseless and daft.

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