Don't be dependant on one source of income because it is likely your fortunes both in life and financially will be dictated to you by whatever happens within that industry or sector.
Start looking for ways and opportunities to expand your income streams so that no one source of income dictates your circumstances to you....that is how you start to become and feel financially free, knowing you have options and that you and your family are secure & safe!
I have an amazing news for you if you are passionate about your financial freedom. Become a Real Estate consultant working with us.
Earn over N250000 weekly.
Start looking for ways and opportunities to expand your income streams so that no one source of income dictates your circumstances to you....that is how you start to become and feel financially free, knowing you have options and that you and your family are secure & safe!
I have an amazing news for you if you are passionate about your financial freedom. Become a Real Estate consultant working with us.
Earn over N250000 weekly.
Our Business opportunity!
The New Lagos(Ibeju Lekki) is the fastest growing investment hub in West Africa. The reason being that there is no one single location with so many infrastructures as the ongoing projects in this location. Real estate investors' most guided secret of the decade is that this location will soon become Africa's economic power in less than half a decade and Dangote's stake in this location explains the reason behind the rush and emergence of the New Lagos.
The New Lagos(Ibeju Lekki) is the fastest growing investment hub in West Africa. The reason being that there is no one single location with so many infrastructures as the ongoing projects in this location. Real estate investors' most guided secret of the decade is that this location will soon become Africa's economic power in less than half a decade and Dangote's stake in this location explains the reason behind the rush and emergence of the New Lagos.
In order to provide accommodations, schools, worship centres etc for future workers, we are already thinking ahead and we do not want you to be left behind.
So what should you do and what's in it for you?
Simple! Sell any of our properties listed below and get whooping 10% - 15% of whatever you sell depending on the property sold. For instance, you get an investor who buys 1 plot of land for #1M, you get a 10%/15% commission of #100K/150k and you can have one investor buying as much as 5 plots and more. Isn't that amazing?
Ibeju Lekki vs Lekki Phase 1
Ibeju Lekki vs Lekki Phase 1
A plot of land in Lekki Phase 1 is between N120m - N150m and in 3yrs, it will worth N140m - N170m. While a plot in Ibeju Lekki worth N1m today would be worth N7m - N15m in 3yrs.
If you happen to invest your Lekki Phase 1 N120m - N150m in Ibeju Lekki, in 3yrs your property would be worth N700m to N1.5b. (What do you think?)
Why Ibeju Lekki?
The numerous ongoing projects makes it number one of all locations to consider investing your money in West Africa:
1. Dangote Refinery.
2. New Airport.
3. New Sea Port.
4. Proposed 4th Mainland Bridge.
5. Lekki Free Trade Zone (LFTZ)
6. Beach Resorts.
7. Luxury Golf Course.
8. Light motor-train.
And so much more
Everyone wants to own a land, just get someone who needs it right now...
The numerous ongoing projects makes it number one of all locations to consider investing your money in West Africa:
1. Dangote Refinery.
2. New Airport.
3. New Sea Port.
4. Proposed 4th Mainland Bridge.
5. Lekki Free Trade Zone (LFTZ)
6. Beach Resorts.
7. Luxury Golf Course.
8. Light motor-train.
And so much more
Everyone wants to own a land, just get someone who needs it right now...
For inspection booking and other enquiries, contact :
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