The 2016 BET Awards took place on Sunday night, honoring big names in the music and movie industry
A surgery-obsessed model who has spent more than $125,200 in her quest for physical perfection has now had permanent implants placed in her eyes to make them 'cartoon green'.
Some lawmakers of the Lagos House of Representatives have reacted to the demolition exercise carried out by the state government in the Owonifari area of the Oshodi market.
2016 is just around the corner and one common thing people do is to make resolutions they intend to keep in the new year. Click To Read More
In a year that has seen numerous occurrences, people have turned to search on the Internet to find as much information as they can and celebrate or sympathize with their fellow humans.
1. “I’m So Happy That You’re In My Life.” Hehe.. I wonder who wouldn’t love to hear that. It’s really a great word that can diffuse any ...