Online dating is becoming increasingly the method people use to meet that someone special. It is a very convenient method after all. There are numerous reasons why someone would want to use online dating websites and services to meet their better half. With the increasing demands of the internet, people may be stuck at the office for longer periods of time. Those who prefer to be at home all the time spend a good number of their daily hours on their computers and surfing the internet.

Online dating however, presents many risks factors. Although there has been a good number of happy endings, there have been too many tragic outcomes as well. When somebody joins a dating site, they are asked to answer questions for their dating profile. The questions include their real names, their occupation, age, marital status, and even their annual income. It also asks the member to upload personal photos. In order for members to have a positive experience, they are asks to be truthful in their profile. That way, if they are looking for someone with specific interests, qualities, physical appearance and even income level, the website’s matchmaker program will present a member with their suitors.
Dating sites are full of emotionally vulnerable people who are simply looking for true love. Scammers thrive on knowing that they can use and abuse such individuals. There are many types of dating scams out there. Scammers are usually people who are aiming to make a quick profit from members. So they will pick specific ‘victims’ who they feel have the money, and will also fall for their scam. Over the years, their pattern includes: established older women and men, members from developed countries, Asian women from wealthier Asian nations, and Caucasians on interracial dating sites. That said, they will prey on anyone who seems weak and desperate for love.
In order to prevent being scammed, members should be very careful about the types of photos they upload. They should also be hesitant to include very personal information, especially that related to their income level. It is true, many people want to date someone who is rich but including such information on your profile also stimulates the interest of scammers wanting to make a quick buck. Free dating and free membership social networks sites are easy targets for these scammers. There might be some sense in paid dating sites as the requirements are stiffer and many paid dating sites offer better quality scanning and fake profile filters.
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